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How does Counselling Work?

Counselling, as with most things, can be intimidating the first time.  The good news is that we only have 1 first time!

In the initial session, the Counsellor will review your intake form and get to know you a bit better.  They may ask questions about your home life, work life, relationships, hobbies, interests, etc.  At some point in your initial session, the counsellor and you will identify areas of opportunity or concerns that you would like to address.  Those identified areas will be the goals of treatment going forward.  You can always add new goals, alter goals or remove goals as needed!

Subsequent sessions will work towards giving the client a toolbox filled with interventions and strategies that can be used outside of the session.


How Many Session will I need?

Duration and specific sessions needed to resolve a specific concern are dependent are various factors. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.  Some of the independent factors can include the type of therapy and intervention, the number of goals, etc.

To put it simply, it is like asking how long it will take you to get somewhere.  Factors such as speed, route, unforeseen issues (accidents and construction), and motivated are you to get there?

It is rare for complex issues to resolve in one or two sessions.


Benefit Coverage

Benefit coverage is EMPLOYER specific and not INSURANCE COMPANY specific.  What that means is that while some may have coverage under a specific insurance company, others may not.  It is important to specifically contact YOUR benefit provider and confirm coverage.  We encourage all clients to do this prior to booking.  Nest Family Counselling cannot confirm independent coverage.

Understanding that benefit coverage is limited in terms of coverage cost and access, we keep counselling costs below market average to help clients find and access affordable and ongoing care.

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